Friday, October 21, 2011

Actor de mes en TCM

Ya tu sabes... Buster Keaton. Uno de mi actores favorito.

Nacio Joseph Frank Keaton en 4 de Octubre, 1895. Buster es un actor de comico. El es mas famoso para los peliculas de silencio. El comico expresan en los peliculas de silencio fisicamente con una cara sin expresiones. Le da un apodo "El gran cara de piedra". El tambien ace produciones, escritura y cine. El murio en 1 de Febrero, 1966 desde cancer de pulmon.

Buscar este actor aqui:

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene

It was August 28th 2011 when Irene decide to come up north. There was acouple of reports about sudden deaths in Virginia. New York got affected a little bit (mostly in New York city). Thank God that the hurricane did not wash out all of New York. A day later, Irene finally made her way back to the ocean. Sadly, I don't have classes the next day because of the damages Irene did. I really want to start my last assignment T3T. I couldn't concentrate on my computer at home. Being in a secluded area makes work much more easier. Also, this is the second time Irene hit an area of the United States. In 1999, Irene made it's way to the state of Florida. This year is mostly New York city, Mathattan and Virginia that been hit badly.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Conrad Veidt

Here's the official TCM page for Conrad Veidt--> . I always check it out for any films they are playing of him on TCM. Copy and past this URL in the address box. I'm 100% sure that the link is not broken.