Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Review: Curly's girl and wait!... there's more

This is my review on this episode so yeah.....

Spoilers in this review so if you haven't seen "Curly's girl", you should go do that.

This is one of my favorite episodes since I ship Curly/Rhonda. I personally think that just because Curly started the game and it was his fault showing Rhonda around like that doesn't mean Rhonda is also at fault as well. Ever since Rhonda broke his little heart everyone started feeling sorry for yes... Curly. And everyone started to shun Rhonda. She decides to play the game on him to win back her popularity status. Not only Curly used Rhonda, Rhonda used Curly as well. They both used each other just to win one persons heart.... Rhonda Wellington Lloyd. I believe Curly did, in a way, have a reason to yell at Rhonda. She used him to win back sympathy from her classmates. I think Curly truly loves her but the problem is that Rhonda think way too much about herself to realize what the little freak thinks about her. She finally, at the end of the episode, understands his strange behavior though. This only ended by Curly turning back to his 'normal' self. But it doesn't mean Rhonda will never consider him. This is where the fans of this ship comes to play. Many lovers of this ship likes to interpret their relationship when they get older of course. People do it to Helga/Arnold, so why not. It's only a mere ship.

Rhonda/Curly indications in the show:
This ship was played around in the series a couple of times. Take "Deconstructing Arnold" for example. Curly seems to be stalking Rhonda where ever she goes (remember this is before "Curly's girl"). He unexpectedly initiates a kiss on her when Helga's plan went completely wrong.
I guess Rhonda have to try even harder to get rid of him. Which half of the time she fails. Can this mean her fate is to be with someone she doesn't approve? Could be an option since she can never get rid of Curly. I'm not saying that Rhonda doesn't have anymore options. She been around guys that are also a possibility. Lately they're some Harold/Rhonda shippers. Craig have been playing around with this ship as well. Like the episode "Egg story" for example.
Me and my sisters don't really consider the Harold/Rhonda ship. But it doesn't mean you guys can't ship them. We believe the lesson to that episode is to always be patient and to work together as a team. Like a friendly lesson ya know. Just like how "Curly's girl"'s lesson is to also be patient and be careful about things you want. Nobody should think a shipping is more superior than the other. It sickens me that people have to be rude about other peoples shipping. Just ignore that ship and look at your own. It's so easy, a 5 year old can do it.
Haven't you notice Curly and Rhonda dancing together in the background? I know I have :). Just because Rhonda is a self centered little brat doesn't mean she can't get near any of the geeks or weirdos. She also have a redeeming quality when it comes to kids of lower stature. Like "Rhonda's glasses" for example. She's not afraid to show that geeks can be smart and stylish. She pretty much ended the 'geek only sits in the back' reputation. Let's say Rhonda is one cool geek.
One person in DA mentioned about how Curly came to admire Rhonda. It's this episode. The way she stands up for the geeks probably made Curly fall in love. We come to see Curly's love for someone in this series. Even if it means to stalk the one they love. This is the same to Helga stalking Arnold. Though we see more about their relationship more than C/R. It's totally fine since the main focus is H/A anyways.

That's my review for now :). I don't want to upset anybody if they stumble into this, I just want people to understand other people's opinion, that's all.

Bye bye everyone, and have a nice day :).